
Mar 1, 2010


I hate it when somebody tries to eavesdrop on other people's conversation. I hate it more when they try to judge you base on what they heard.

Not so long ago, I was at the airport waiting for my scheduled flight. As I was sitting in the waiting area; I bumped in to a conversation with some of the people that was there. Chairs were positioned back to back, so I was aware that somebody's sitting at the back part as to where I am sited and I also come to know that he is listening because I know that he is listening. Then, after the whole conversation was over. He stood up and walked pass me, the he turned his back and looked at me for 5 seconds.

Well, I was in a friendly mood so I smiled at him (but he did not acknowledge). Then he went back and threw that, weird look at me again. It makes me want to punch him on the face. Argh!!

It's situations like this that I get really agitated. As to how naive (some) grownups can be sometimes. Stupid Guy!!

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