
Feb 26, 2009


I'm in dismay every time I hear my friends or somebody that I look up to says a profane words. Especially that F word. My mind can't really comprehend such a word. Now I don't care where that word came from or who invented it. I just don't want to hear such words.

This all started when I began following a bunch of youtubers on twitter. The people that I don't expect that would course turn out to be otherwise. I've always known them to be great kids; who are church goers and very active in community service.

Sometimes it's just easy for you to be persuade because every body is saying it or dong it and you wanna be one of those "cool" kids that say that kind of stuff. But the truth is, blasphemy is never cool and has never been. Sure you can say those word and just wing it.

It just simply shows what kind of education you have and how uneducated you can get.

It's not all about looking good to people. It's all about sticking to the values that you've learned along the road.
There is nothing more useful than applying to yourself all the things you've learned in life. It makes you grow as a person.

Feb 25, 2009


Finally I had done what I've suppose to do weeks ago, and that is to unsubscribe to a few of subceriptions I made in youtube. But it turns out that, that few did not fit into the real context of fewness. From 186 subscriptions down to 86. Now that really cuts more than half of my subs but I don't mind. I guess I just loose interest in some or I don't find them intertaining anymore or they havent made any videos for about a year now and there's no use for me to still remain subscribed.

But the greater percentage of it all is loosing interest. Actually, I notice myself loosing interest in a lot of things these past few weeks.
I remember way back when I was new in this hole internet community (e.g youtube, skype, myspace, etc.) I would spend at least 8 hours in youtube for instance. Even though I felt that I should do something worthwhile rather than sitting downs and find things that please my eyes and ears. But that whole obsession was short lived. I never really had any obsession that lasted for a long time. None that I could remember.

Now I'm down to one thing. That my life is a total sore and is silently wrecking my soul.
I hope God will heed my call and put me back in track.

Feb 17, 2009


This past few weeks had been really tough, literally and figuratively speaking. I had quite a lot of hospital visits. In which I’m really not fond of doing. I’ve been recently diagnosed with contact dermatitis and at the same time I made acquaintance with the dynamic duo named: cold and cough (which altered my breathing and sleeping for days now). But in a scale of 1 to 5 and 5 would be the wellness level, I guess I’m in 3.5 level. Not so close, but close to ending this agony.

For the figurative side of this whole mumbo jumbo, there are a lot of life events that is killing me on the inside. Argh... I know I got to work this out myself. It’s ripping my soul apart. Damn!!! It sure does. It creates a conspiracy in my mind.

This is definitely one illness that’s hard to combat.

I wish that when I close my eyes right now and when I open it I’m in a different realm.

Oh, Jenny you can’t always just run to the exit. (That’s my alter ego speaking by the way).

Feb 9, 2009


Got this from DudeNeedsaEeasOnUp
I have no idea why I'm filling up this quiz.
I guess I just love pretending like I'm being interviewed.

Username: banko99

Why did you pick it?:
it was supposed to be itsjenny, but it was taken then I tried itsjenny1 it was still taken so I was pissed and I end up making up a word that has no significance to ma at all.

Who did you first subscribe to?:

Who did you most recently subscribe to?:

What does your last text message say?:
"are you still alive? u haven't called me since December " -Kristine

Do you have any goals?: To go to med school and Hopefully become a Psychiatric Doctor.

What was the last thing you bought?: Honestly, I can't remember. Its probably been a long time that I really bought something, since I can't remember it anymore. :-/

Describe the person who posted this using one line?: He hates snuggies and is an artist.

Are you excited about anything?: Nope. This is probably the only feeling I haven't felt in years.

Do you have a crush? None for now.

Have you ever been drunk?: No. I abhor alcohol.

Who was the first Youtube you met in real life?: None. But I'm looking forward to meeting one someday.

Who was the last Youtuber you met in real life?: None at the moment.

Do you prefer day or night?: I'm a nocturnal. So that explains it.

Are you a member of any collab channels?: No. Most collab channels are getting boring. If you like see them every single time you logged in to youtube it gets pretty boring. Especially if they have nothing to talk about and complains about making a video and meeting the deadline.

Do you have a secret account?: A lot.

Do you believe in God?: No doubt, 100% YES

Which youtuber do you talk to the most?: None

Which Youtuber do you think makes the best videos?: Barats and Bereta, I'm recently fond of meekekitty and DudeNeedsaEaseOnUp is the only vlogger that makes long videos and dosen't bore you, thatzak, YouraverageAdam.

You may only subscrie to 5 channels and only watch their videos. who will they be?:
I can't really break it down to 5. All the channels that I have subscribed to are all great in their own perspective way.

Are you in a relationship?: No, I am not.

would you date a smoker?:

Where is your favourite place?: Renton, Washington

Are you a happy person?: I've got a happy disposition.

Would you kiss the person who posted this?: That would be awkward. :-#

What would you take to the desert island? : New York's national library, Walmart and Disney world

Do you prefer sun or snow?: I love the snow. But I don't like winter. It's gets depressing.

Who did you last speak to on the phone? My father

Who did you last text?: My brother

What are you doing tommorow?: Building my future :]

What is your favourite flavour of potato chips?: BBQ!

What size are your feet?: 7.5

What do you want?: Peace of mind.

What do you need?: God's presence in my life.

What do you remember?: EVERYTHING!

What do you wish?: I wish I have enough money to go to graduate school and I wish I don't worry a lot.

Confess: My greatest regret in life is watching 2 girls 1 cup. That video haunted to for weeks.

Honesty. Do you want people to anonymously post what they REALLY Think of you ?

I don't live for other people. They can think whatever they want to think, After all that is just a thought and It will not post a threat to me.

Feb 6, 2009


I don't understand why would people in general, could afford to dis a dog out of there homes just because you can't take care of it anymore or the dogs worth to their lame lives had come to expire. That is the most rubbish excuse I ever heard. Owning a dog/adopting a dog requires full responsibility. It's like adopting a child and later on realizing OH!! I DON'T WANT TO BE A PARENT ANYMORE (such an absurd thing to do). Now this pathetic low less people changed their mind and wants to keep the dog because the dog saved their family's lives from the fire. Damn!! People need dramatic examples to shake them off from apathy.

Feb 2, 2009


Sometimes when somebody asks you a question the best answer would be silence or not to tell the truth. Not because you're hiding something, but because you know those phonies won't understand it anyway. They just pretend they'd understand, but I've seen the looks on their face TOTALLY BOGUS.