
Feb 28, 2013


I've always contemplate on weather to go out of the house or not and seems like my mind is playing tug of war with my slackness (by which I would effortlessly give in on the latter).

Procrastination has 80% engulfed my whole being. It has overpowered me ever since I got home for vacation. Which goes down to the main element of this writing. For a solid 2 1/2 months I stayed home most of the time. Sunday's were the only day had a glimpse of the outside world as I religiously  hear a mass. God knows what sort of things has gone through my mind. The old me is starting to become the new me. I'm beginning to feel sick with the people around me, easily disdained by small faults people do, felt intense anger most of the time.

Boredom and loneliness has cloaked it's way up my head only to realize I've been nauseated by depression.  

Feb 22, 2013


They say life starts at 40 but the way I see it, life starts the moment you gain consciousness of the world. Sure life does starts at 40 for some people. This is the age where a person commence to Physically deteriorate (in general).

But I surmise every single age rage of a human person goes through a different struggles of their own. From childhood... to puberty... to teenager... to adolescence... to a full grown man. Each stages of life brings struggles of there own.

I could freshly recall the struggles I had when I was a teenager. Pressure from peers, trying to build your own  identity, fights with siblings, bullying all of these were somethings huge for me back then. But when I look back now, I could not help but smile and think of how pathetic had I been during my younger years. How poorly did I respond to such loads of life. But that's that and I can't change anything. It doesn't mean life stops from there; as I continue move forward I know that I will face different levels of struggles in life. But that's what life is all about and that's how it goes.
I'm on my mid 20's now and things has change a lot. It's just a matter of going through phases in life. I might not be 40 yet and who knows if I could ever reach 40.

Well, all in Gods time

Feb 11, 2013

Move over

Why do I always got a feeling that somethings gonna fall on my head. I got paranoid every time I go under a tree (any tree for that matter). So I often times tend to look up just to check if weather there are any "potential" inanimate object that could fall on my head.

It all started when I got home for vacation. We have this two huge coconut tree at home and its situated right in front of the lawn and random coconut fruit would just fall off the tree. This often times put people in jeopardy. Just imagine getting hit by a baseball ball free falling from the sky in full speed. Now I heard a lot of stories about people getting hit  on the head by a coconut fruit and how it developed into a tumor. This explains my inevitable paranoia of trees.  Now the fate of  the 2 "tree of life" lies in my Mothers hands as she plans to cut the trees down soon.

And this is the epitome of "Prevention is better than cure"

Feb 1, 2013

Random Quotes

The man who doesn't read a book has no advantage over the man who can't read them.

I'm not afraid of death, I just don't want to be there when it happens.

God made pot, man made beer; who do you trust?

It's not "when wild Animals Attack!!" It's when stupid people get bit

The bast way to become boring is to say everything

If you want to make God laugh, tell him your plans

Please don't smoke, There are so many cooler ways to die

Lord grant me the serenity to accept the things I can not change, the courage to change the things I can and the wisdom to hide the bodies of those I had to kill because they really pissed me off.

I am amazed at radio DJ's today. I am firmly convinced that AM on my radio station stands for Absolute Moron. I will not begin to tell you what FM stands for.

Books are the blessed chloroform of mind.

There's no point in being grown up if you can't be childish sometimes.

If you die in an elevator, be sure to push the "up" button.

Seeing a murder on television will help work off one's antagonism and if you haven't got any antagonism, the commercials will give you some.

The roots of education are bitter but the fruits are sweet.

If you tell the truth, you don't have anything to remember.

There are no such things as strangers only friends we have not yet met.

The capacity to learn is a gift
The ability to learn is a skill
The willingness to learn is a choice

Marriage is so far off, I gotta have a lot of life to live, I've gotta have a lot of things to do. Marriage is something I want to do when I am in my 40's.

Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore...Dream...Discover