
Mar 29, 2009


I've always been fascinated with the boys/men world. Growing up as a kid, it has always been me and my brother. He's one year ahead of me and I didn't had a hard time keeping up. We used to play with our cousins (whom are also males) during weekends. I has grown side by side with toys that are played by little boys, e.g Lego, robots, toy guns, action figures. The usual toys that were played during the 80's & 90's. I was never introduced to the world of dolls. I didn't even had a lot of stuff toys. I own a couple but that was it. My mom used to by me those tea cup set, which I am not fond of. Only because of one reason: I ain't got nobody to play with me with those kinda toys. I remember the first & the last time my father bought me a Barbe doll. During that time my 1st younger brother was already born. I think he was 3 or 4 back then. I left him in my room just to get something and when I came back, the doll's body parts were scattered on the floor. The only thing left was the doll's head attached to its body. When I came back and saw the mayhem that happened to the doll, I didn't feel anything. It was sort of mundane feeling. I was like: oh! ok. Looking back as a grown person now; most little girls would be totally upset... but not me.

Moving on...

During that time, I could say that I really become comfortable with the things around me. Even though there's an absence of feminine touch, I never had any identity crisis neither a desire to be somebody I'm not.

The fact that they are the only creatures that can do foolishness and still be able to wing it, and when there is a dispute; in most cases they just settle it right then and there. Which is different in the girls world, because everything has got to be tricky.
When it comes to clothing, they just put on their shirt & jeans and they're good to go. There is nothing more convenient than that. Plus they still manage to look good on simple things they put on. I felt sick seeing girls on their make up. I would totally understand if it's part of their job requirement or their going to a prom or something. But if you're going to school with you're make up on, that's really sick(I don't want to think that you only go to school to impress people with you're looks). The thing is, beauty should be effortless.
Emotion wise, male's are not showy. A lot of times they are not emotional. I haven't seen a man cry over petty stuffs. In which I learn how to become one. To take control of you're emotions and not let it interfere with you're decisions.

I am what I am. I accept things the way they are.

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