
Sep 6, 2009

A messy life

Last night I went to my High School friend Birthday party. That was the first party/socialization I ever went to, for God knows how long. My social life is dead. Not because I’m one of those people that are obsessed with the virtual world. It’s just that there are so many things that are going on with my life right now. So many heart aches, so many frustrations to deal with. But I still do communicate with all of my friends, might it be through text or e-mail, but not to the extent that we see each other.

How ironic it is that they just live near by, yet we don’t see each other that often;

so back to the birthday party. The invitation was short notice. The Birthday party was last night and they invited me that night. I guess she was certain that I could come since my house is just walking distance from her house. At first I was reluctant to come, I was not really in the mood to go out (since when did I had the mood to go out?). After constant persuasion I did eventually come. I felt kinda guilty because every time they would ask me out I always say I’ll pass or maybe next time.

So I came and it turned out great. I met some of my old high school classmates. There was so many things to talk about. What’s going on with our lives and plans for the future. I never felt good in a long time; the way I felt last night. I felt so light…joyful… relieved. I know moment like this doesn’t last. I know that when I come home everything would be back as they are. GLUM.

It amazes me that everything that kills me also soothes me. I guess this is how things work for me. Every time I want something done and I put my mind, heart, soul, into it; it always turns out a fail. But whenever I do things unplanned or things that I’m not into it; it turns out great and I would end up loving it.

Oh life, why is it always hard and everyday is a constant struggle towards a better tomorrow.

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