
May 30, 2009

Laceration of Dreams


When we were kids we used to have so many dreams and it kind of change as we progress. So I have listed my dreams, from the day I gained my consciousness, up till present.


I so wanted to become a nun when I was in grade school. I recon, this would be the only way I could be closer to God and repay Him, from all my sins. I though, that it would be nice to study God’s life and have a deep understanding of Christianity. Until I learned that, nuns live in a convent and lead a life of seclusion (away from family and friends, plus you don’t get to see them anytime you want). Then I digress from becoming one. I realized that, I could do all these by just becoming an ordinary person.


This is one of the spur of the moment dream. I was hearing a mass one Sunday morning and the priest (probably in his late 70’s) is delivering the most boring sermon. I can’t even understand what he’s saying coz he’s mumbling he’s words. I felt sorry for him though, I mean he’s too old to still able to hold a mass. How I wanted to take over his place and make the whole Eucharist buoyant. I am aware that there aren’t any FEMALE clergy, but hey! A dream is just a dream until you go for it. I’m not pushing it anyway.


Now this is the only dream that hasn’t really changed over the course of time (even until now). The smell of sterility, the color white, and the very idea of being knowledgeable about life (literally) excites me. I love to work in a hospital someday. This is what I’ve seen my self doing in the near future.


If aviation school wouldn’t be that frekin expensive, I could have been a pilot by now. I’ve always love the thought of flying.


Maybe I could still pursue this career someday. This is a God given talent; I can’t just leave it to rot. Though having a career in show business has too many uncertainties. Everything is a risk, being involved in the whole business realm.


I don’t have any idea why I have included this on the list. I’m not really after with the whole fame thing. As I have always prefer to working behind the limelight. I love how actors inspire people by the characters they portray. I hope someday I could play a role in a movie that would forever inspire people. Like the character Jaime Sullivan, in the movie A WALK TO REMEMBER, Frank Abagnale in the movie CATCH ME IF YOU CAN, Benjamin Button in the movie, THE CURIOUS CASE OF BENJAMIN BUTTON, Jamal Malik in the movie SLUMDOG MILLIONAIRE, Chris Gardner in the movie THE PURSUIT OF HAPPINESS.

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