
Oct 15, 2008


Now I'm at the JFK Airport and the plain is leaving in approximately an hour and a half to Hawaii.
It's really very depressing when you travel alone it seems like you're just there in one corner; watching people pass by while everyone is cheerfully talking to their friends or families or colleagues.
Geez, I totally hate this. But I know I got to do this. I need to fix my life. Just what Abraham Lincoln said: If opportunity doesn't knock; build a door.

Hell yeah, that's what I'm doing. What is even more dreadful is the fact that, I'm leaving this place for a long period of time. I'm thinking about Lassy (my dog). She always sleeps with me. But now, I couldn't imagine her sleeping in my bed without me.

Well I guess sometimes we need to make sacrifices. I didn't had the chance to bid goodbye to my little bothers (I left home when they're still at school).

My mother gave me 10 Grand; I felt so sad that she gave me money for this trip. It just felt depressing when somebody gave me money; Especially MY MOTHER. It's so depressing to think that you'll be spending that money that that person had worked hard for.

I'll be back soon... of course I will.

Oct 6, 2008

Community work

There is nothing more fulfilling than volunteering or helping in every way possible. I got so many things lined up for charity work. Like:

-Donate money to the home for the aged.

-Help children in Afghanistan with their basic needs.

-Organize a feeding program to the children of Cambodia.

-Be able to sponsor students who can’t afford to go to College.

-Save Dogs from maltreatment.

-Volunteer for Kefalonia Dolphin & Underwater research Program in Greece.

I know it sounds ambitious but, all through out this life time I want to give something back to society/community and society/community does not limit to the place where we live but to the world in general. I will commit my self to accomplish at least 2 from the list.

Oct 5, 2008


Recently I realize how tiring, depressing and mind bugling adults world is. Not that I’m that old but, I’m close to becoming one. I mean I’d be having my own credit card soon, I’d be the one paying the bills, work for a living, pay taxes, and last but not the least; dealing with lots and lots of documents. Which I think is harder than the rest all combined. Keeping up with monthly dues is a big responsibility and I can feel that big responsibility coming. My mother is not getting any younger and there are some things that she can’t do anymore; so I kind of a fill that up for her. Now I understand why adults world is full of serious stuff. And I’m just going to live with it. I guess we all are. I have to brace my self to this adulthood thing. Although sometimes it scares me to think that I'll be leaving home soon in order to pursue a career and earn for a living as well.