
Mar 29, 2011

Eyes... eyes...eyes

I'm just an average man, with an average life.
I work from 9 to 5, Hey hell I pay the price!!
All I want is to be left alone, in my average home.
But why do I always feel like I'm in the twilight zone and I always feel like somebody's watching me.
And I have no privacy!!!
Tell me, is it just a dream?
When I come home at night.
I lock the door real tight. People call me on the phone-I'm trying to avoid.
Can the people on the TV see me or am I just paranoid?
When I'm in the shower, I'm afraid to wash my hair!

Coz I might open my eyes and find SOMEONE standing there.
People say I'm crazy, just a little touch.
But maybe showers remind me of Psycho too much.

Mar 27, 2011

Just  when I thought opened my heart to somebody and then BAM!!! The next ting I know he’s leaving on a 4 hours plane flight back to his country. Although I saw it coming since the beginning I allow myself to venture on this emotional investment. I know he’s not staying for long, but still I pursued. I don’t mean to conclude my current situation to the whole human race.  But if there is one thing that amazes me to all of humanity, its the fact that sometimes we already know the jeopardy of the whole situation yet we still move forward. Like a child being warned a million times by the effects of drugs yet still chooses to try. 

But that is more than I can bear. Long distance relationships never works and it will never will be. Those who succeeded were the ones who withstand the test of time and the ones who has managed to have a sense of conviction to themselves.

It has been 4 weeks since he left. I don’t understand why I keep track of the days. It doesn’t do me any good. It only reminds me of the empty days.