
Jan 25, 2010

Looking back

So, I had recently resigned from my job (Jan 16, 2010) and I am officially unemployed for a week now. How stupid could that ever be? I quit from my job without nothing to fall back into. I sort of feeling regret that I quit early, I could have waited till the end of the month (that case I'd still be able to get my last salary) or at least find a new job before quitting.

But well I guess I was clouded by my emotions, that I wasn't thinking of the out come. All I knew is that I wanted to get out of there.

I worked as a customer service representative in Dish Network. The longer I stay there the more stressful it gets and the more worn out I become. Plus the fact that I work on grave yard shift (from 10pm to 9am). Plus some other factors that are to personal to mention. Though the wage is something I can not complain about.

I'm a people pleaser. It takes a pound for me to admit that. This is probably the first time I profess such behavior of me.

When I resigned from my job, I did make it a point that I'm in good terms with everyone. I know that some are disappointed, because I had only worked there for 3 months then all of a sudden I'm gonna leave (especially that I had made friends with most of my co-workers). I don't want them to think I just deign to work.

But I don't wanna look back. You make decisions and you don't look back. A thought is just a thought; it can't hurt me. Whenever the thought cross my mind I would shift my attention and occupied myself with other things.

Before when I was way younger I used to have extreme contempt whenever I' m caught up to situations like this . Coz I'm a people pleaser that's why. But now, for all I care. They can think whatever they want to think. I haven't done anything wrong as far as I know. In fact, I had done myself a favor when I resigned from my job.

One thing I like about growing old; bit by bit teenage angst grew less.